LILACS – Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde – Informação e evidência científica e técnica em saúde da América Latina e Caribe – BIREME/OPAS/OMS – LILACS – Información y evidencia científica y técnica en salud de América Latina y el Caribe | LILACS – Scientífic and technic information and evidence of Latin-american and Caribbean Countries

LILACS – Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde – Informação e evidência científica e técnica em saúde da América Latina e Caribe – BIREME/OPAS/OMS – LILACS – Información y evidencia científica y técnica en salud de América Latina y el Caribe | LILACS – Scientífic and technic information and evidence of Latin-american and Caribbean Countries Um bem público regional de informação científica Un bien público regional de información científica A regional public good on scientific information

Are there differences in data entry for electronic or printed journals in the LILACS database?

Yes, there are differences. However, one rule applies to both: all editors of journals indexed in LILACS must adhere to the LILACS-Express initiative and commit to the prompt updating and maintenance of data in the BIREME/PAHO/WHO management system. Editors of printed journals commit to manually entering and maintaining basic data and uploading the full texts […]

Is there any activity that an editor of an automatically collected journal should perform?

An editor or a member of the editorial team should monitor the publication process of the articles. If there are any delays or inconsistencies, they should contact the national LILACS coordinator to verify the occurrence.

How can a journal become part of LILACS-Express?

A journal becomes part of the LILACS-Express initiative if it is approved for indexing after the Process of Evaluation and Selection of LILACS Journals in Brazil or through evaluation processes conducted by LILACS coordinations.

What happens to the records with LILACS-Express status after thematic indexing?

After the cataloging review and thematic indexing of records with LILACS-Express status, the records are considered complete, and their status is updated to “Published.” For the researcher, the difference lies in retrieval that includes DeCS/MeSH descriptors and more reliable descriptive data following the review.

Will references with LILACS-Express status be indexed?

Yes. The indexing, which means the assignment of subject descriptors that represent the content of the articles, continues to be performed by the Cooperating Centers of the LILACS network in a decentralized manner and according to their assignments and responsibilities. Thus, the bibliographic reference of the article, once indexed, becomes a complete record according to […]

Why is the data from my journal no longer being collected?

Because some step in the automated process may have been altered or is experiencing instability, whether due to internet availability at the time of collection or changes in the servers and data collection services of the data provider institutions. The editor or any member of the editorial team should monitor the monthly update to prevent […]

It is possible to access the full texts of the records identified as LILACS-Express?

Yes, click on “Full text” to access the content of the articles’ documents.

How often is LILACS-Express updated?

The update frequency varies according to the mode of data entry into the LILACS database: Data collection and loading from platforms such as SciELO and DSpace: monthly; Manual data entry by members of the editorial teams of journals indexed in LILACS using the FI-Admin system: daily. In both cases, the processing and publication time on […]

What is the role of the LILACS network Cooperating Centers (CC) in the LILACS-Express initiative?

The Cooperating Centers remain responsible for reviewing the cataloging and thematic indexing of journal articles. The curation and quality of the data after the records are published in LILACS are also the responsibility of the CC. To correct broken links to full texts or any other inconsistent data, access the FI-Admin system. If you have […]

What is SciELO’s role in the LILACS-Express initiative?

BIREME collects data from journals in the Health Sciences and Psychology fields indexed in SciELO for monthly loading into the LILACS database.