LILACS – Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde – Informação e evidência científica e técnica em saúde da América Latina e Caribe – BIREME/OPAS/OMS – LILACS – Información y evidencia científica y técnica en salud de América Latina y el Caribe | LILACS – Scientífic and technic information and evidence of Latin-american and Caribbean Countries

LILACS – Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde – Informação e evidência científica e técnica em saúde da América Latina e Caribe – BIREME/OPAS/OMS – LILACS – Información y evidencia científica y técnica en salud de América Latina y el Caribe | LILACS – Scientífic and technic information and evidence of Latin-american and Caribbean Countries Um bem público regional de informação científica Un bien público regional de información científica A regional public good on scientific information

How do I identify the Cooperating Center responsible for indexing my journal in LILACS?

Access the list of journals indexed in LILACS, locate the abbreviated title of your journal, and check its code in the Editor Code column. Then access the VHL Network Directory to verify the name and contact information of the responsible professional.

How to find the Cooperating Center code in the Network?

Access the VHL Network Directory and enter your institution’s name. If not found, also search by acronyms representing your institution. If the data is outdated, request an update via form.      

My institution would like to cooperate with LILACS. How should I proceed?

To become a Cooperating Center (CC) of LILACS and begin showcasing the scientific and technical production of your institution or thematic area, please review the compliance checklist at: How to become a Cooperating Center of the LILACS Network | | LILACS ( Important: The cooperation process is institutional and requires the support and commitment of […]

How do I check/know my editor code in LILACS?

Access the list of journals indexed in LILACS, find the abbreviated title of your journal, and check its code in the Editor Code column.

How do I request an update to the registration data of my institution?

If you are a Cooperating Center (CC) of the Brazilian Network of Information in Health Sciences and cooperate with the LILACS database, request the update directly via the form, and in the question ‘Indicate the name of the coordinator and the network to which you will contribute,’ provide BIREME/PAHO/WHO. If you are a CC of […]

How can I request the update of the registration data for my journal indexed in LILACS?

To update the registration data for your journal indexed in LILACS, access the specific form and provide the updated information about the journal.

When should I update data for my journal on LILACS?

You should update your journal’s data in LILACS whenever there are changes in the title, ISSN, article URL link, portal URL, email, responsible editor, responsible institution, frequency, or contact address of the journal.

How can I verify the contributions of the Cooperating Centers in LILACS?

The contributions to the LILACS Network can be verified in two ways: Consulting the contribution statistics: This option is recommended for internal controls, allowing you to track the volume and frequency of contributions. Searching in the LILACS search interface: This approach is ideal for preparing reports that require an indication of the verification source, in […]

What are the current systems to contribute to LILACS?

The technological infrastructure for contributing to LILACS and databases adopting the LILACS Methodology is entirely online and accessible via the internet. The current systems include: Information Source Management System: FI-Admin for creating and editing bibliographic records using the LILACS Methodology; BIREME Accounts for network and user management; Serials in Health Sciences for abbreviated title control; […]

I’m trying to access the FI-Admin system, but it’s down. Why does this happen?

Every month, databases are updated with automated collections conducted by BIREME. These updates usually occur on Thursdays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. If the system is down on a different day or time, please contact us to report difficulty accessing the system.