How do you describe a supplement of a journal with abstracts of papers presented at conferences in LILACS?
29 de April de 2024To include a new issue, providing details for the supplement. Create a new article, and in the data entry spreadsheet, fill in:
Register new issue, create an analytic (article/chapter) and fill in the fields:
– Personal author: do not fill in
– Institutional author: provide the name of the organizing institution of the event.
– Title: fill in with the event name as it appears in the document. In some cases, the document may show only the event name, while in others it might be “Abstracts from [event name]” or “Proceedings of [event name]”.
Event/Project: Include event details
III Jornada de Iniciação Científica do INCA
Abstracts from III Congresso de Acadêmicos da Associação Paulista de Medicina
Abstracts of papers presented at the XXIV Brazilian Congress of Human Reproduction
II Conferência Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em Saúde: proceedings
Proceedings of the VIII National Health Conference)
– Keywords: do not fill in
– Abstracts: do not fill in
– Events: Include event details. Click the question mark icon for system help, where the event name is formatted differently. (Example: Symposium on Medicinal Plants in Brazil, 5).