49 – Thesis, Dissertation – Leader


Variable Size

Essential Entry




Name of the person responsible for guiding or co-guiding the thesis or dissertation. Generally, the advisor is responsible for the thesis before the institution, and the co-advisor is indicated for their expertise in the content of the work and may be external to the institution. However, it should be evaluated the real need to add the co-advisor to the work.





a) Record the name of the responsible person starting with the last name, followed by a comma, a space, and the first name, preferably in full form. Some basic rules for filling out personal authorship based on AACR2 can be found in ANNEX I;

b) If there is a co-advisor for the thesis, they can be recorded. However, there is no distinction between the advisor and the co-advisor in the field.



Filling in the advisor’s affiliation attribute is not mandatory, but if filled out, the same rules existing for authors of periodical series analytics should be followed:

a) Adopt for the advisor the institution to which they belong and not the institution where the work was performed, if both are mentioned;

b) Record the institution and its hierarchical levels in the attributes, Affiliation – Institution level 1, Affiliation – Institution level 2, and Affiliation – Institution level 3. From the third hierarchical level onwards, separate them with a period and space; the Country is recorded in the Affiliation – country attribute, and the city in the Affiliation – city attribute, with the following guidelines for filling:

Affiliation – Institution level 1: mandatory

Affiliation – Institution levels 2 and 3: optional

Affiliation – country: essential, provided that the Affiliation – Institution level 1 attribute is not filled with s.af (no affiliation)

If the Affiliation – Institution level 1 attribute is filled with an affiliation, this field becomes mandatory.

Affiliation – city: essential

c) When the advisor belongs to more than one institution, enter the first institution, or preferably the one located in Latin America;



Silva, Regina 1: Universidade Federal de São Paulo 2: Escola Paulista de Medicina 3: Department of Nursing. Otorhinolaryngology Discipline. Phonetics Section c: São Paulo p: Brazil

Greco, Luis Miguel 1: Universidade Federal de São Paulo  c: São Paulo p: Brazil

Silva, Rodolfo 1: s.af

Gonçalves, Maria 1: Children’s Hospital p: s.p

Catañedo, Juan 1: s.af

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