The rules for entering authors vary according to their nationality and are based on AACR-2 (*).
To determine the author’s nationality, one must observe the notes on the first page of the document or existing captions that provide information about the author’s affiliation. If it is not possible to determine the nationality, it is assumed to be the country of origin of the document.
a) Names in Portuguese
The name is registered starting from the last element of the surname.
- Ovídio Saraiva de Carvalho Silva
Registered as: Silva, Ovídio Saraiva de Carvalho
If the name includes words indicating a relationship of kinship, such as Filho, Júnior, Neto, or Sobrinho, these should be considered part of the surname.
- Antônio Ribeiro de Castro Sobrinho
Registered as: Castro Sobrinho, Antônio Ribeiro de
Some surnames are known to be compound. However, if this condition is not expressed with a hyphen, you go by the last surname.
- Pedro Luiz de Paula Souza
Registered as: Souza, Pedro Luiz de Paula
- Mauro Pereira Barreto
Registered as: Barreto, Mauro Pereira
- Álvaro Lemos Torres
Registered as: Torres, Álvaro Lemos
Compound surnames that should not be separated are an exception:
- Vitor Espiritu Santo
Registered as: Espiritu Santo, Vitor
- Augusto Castelo Branco
Registered as: Castelo Branco, Augusto
b) Names in Spanish
Authors with two surnames, the entry is made by the first one:
- Eduardo Gonzáles Rivera
Registered as: Gonzáles Rivera, Eduardo
If the surname begins with an article, the entry is made by this:
- Manuel Antônio Las Heras
Registered as: Las Heras, Manuel Antônio
Some Spanish surnames are preceded by the particle “de” (married women). In this case, the maiden name is entered, followed by the married name:
- Antonia Murillo de Nogueira
Registered as: Murillo de Nogueira, Antonia
Surnames joined by the letter “y” are entered as if they were compound:
- Emílio Cotarelo y Mori
Registered as: Cotarelo y Mori, Emílio
- Antônio Gonzáles y Gonzáles
Registered as: Gonzáles y Gonzáles, Antônio
c) Names in other languages
In general, they are entered by the last surname. German names with a prefix enter by the surname:
- Hans Von Helmholtz
Registered as: Helmholtz, Hans Von
Dutch names with the prefix “van” enter by this.
- Vicent Van Gogh
Registered as: Van Gogh, Vicent
(* ) Anglo American Cataloguing Rules, 2.