Variable size
Optional filling
External resources that update or complement the described document
Select the type of relationship between the documents in attribute i: Type
Relationship Type | Tag | Description |
Update in: | (UIN) | Cites the reference containing an update of the document |
Update of: | (UOF) | Cites the document being updated |
Comment in: | (CIN) | Cites the reference containing a comment on the document |
Comment on: | (CON) | Cites the reference about which the document comments |
Corrected and Republished In: | (CRI) | Cites the reference containing a correction and republication of the document |
Corrected and Republished: | (CRF) | Cites the document being corrected and republished |
Erratum in: | (EIN) | Cites the reference containing an erratum published to the article |
Erratum for: | (EFR) | Cites the original article for which there is a published erratum |
Expression Of Concern In: | (ECI) | Cites the expression of concern (appears in the original article citation) |
Expression Of Concern For: | (ECF) | Cites the original article for which there is an expression of concern |
Original Report In: | (ORI) | Cites a scientific article associated with a patient summary |
Summary For Patients In: | (SPIN) | Cites the reference containing a patient summary document (these records contain Publication Type, Patient Education Leaflet) |
Republished In: | (RPI) | Cites the final and correct version of a republished article |
Republished From: | (RPF) | Cites the original article subsequently republished |
Retraction In: | (RIN) | Cites the reference containing a retraction of the article |
Retraction Of: | (ROF) | Cites the article being retracted |
a) In attribute t: Title, search for the title of the reference already stored in the system and select it;
b) For titles not retrieved in the system, fill in the field manually;
c) For documents without a title, the documentalist should copy the original title;
d) Attribute 6: Link will be filled in automatically if the reference is located in the system;
f) For titles not retrieved, copy the document link and fill it in this field.
Rev. bras. cir. plást; 33 (2), 2018 | Simastia pós-mamoplastia de aumento com implantes de silicone: tratamento com suturas de adesão
Errata de Rev. bras. cir. plást; 33 (2), 2018 | Simastia pós-mamoplastia de aumento com implantes de silicone: tratamento com suturas de adesão