
LILACS 35 anos

January 1

Publication of IMLA – Index Medicus Latinoamericano

IMLA – Index Medicus Latinoamericano – was created in 1979 with the function of bibliographic control, indexing and providing visibility of the literature published in the Latin American and Caribbean Region http://docs.bvsalud.org/biblioref/2018/04/883140/imla_artigo.pdf
January 1

Translation of 1978 MeSH edition into Portuguese allowing the indexing in LILACS

NLM authorizes the translation and adaptation of the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) vocabulary into Portuguese through Bireme, thus creating DeCS. The Descriptors in Health Sciences vocabulary is used to index documents in LILACS database
January 1

Beggining of indexing LA&C MEDLINE journals by BIREME

As one of the commitments as a MEDLARS Center, BIREME began in the late 1970s the indexing of Latin American Scientific Journals to the MEDLINE database
January 1

Recommendation of BIREME’s Scientific Committee for the creation of IMLA

With IMLA, BIREME definitively incorporated control of the Latin American periodic bibliography into its attributions, a fact that would be crucial in BIREME’s trajectory of receiving the model designed by NLM http://docs.bvsalud.org/biblioref/2018/04/883140/imla_artigo.pdf
March 3

Foundation of BIREME

Foundation of BIREME
BIREME, originally named the Regional Library of Medicine, was founded in 1967, through an Agreement between the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Government of Brazil through the Ministries of Health and Education, the Secretary of Health of the State of São Paulo and the Escola Paulista de Medicina