LILACS, scientific health information from Latin America and the Caribbean countries

Synthesis, Revisions, Guidelines

Technical Reports, Government Publications

Thesis and Dissertations
Scientific and technical production on Sustainable Development Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-Being
- Reduce maternal mortality
- Reduce avoidable death in newborns and children under the age of five
- End the transmission of communicable diseases such as HIV, malaria, Tb and neglected diseases
- End maternal deaths due to noncommunicable diseases
- Prevention and treatment of consumption of psychoactive substances
- Reduce deaths and the trauma caused by road accidents
- Universal access to health services related to reproductive and sexual health
- Achieve universal access to health
- Reduce the amount of deaths produced by dangerous chemicals and the pollution of the air, water and soil
New additions
- Boletim epidemiológico: situação epidemiológica de HIV e aids em adultos no estado de Goiás, 2020 a 2024
- Uso de fitoterápicos no controle das alterações bucais pós-tratamento oncológico: novas alternativas na odontologia
- Rol comunicativo del cuidador en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular, Sincelejo, Colombia
- Influência de drogas anticonvulsivantes no tratamento ortodôntico
- Reabilitação de dente com hipoplasia de Turner: relato de caso