LILACS – Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde – Informação e evidência científica e técnica em saúde da América Latina e Caribe – BIREME/OPAS/OMS – LILACS – Información y evidencia científica y técnica en salud de América Latina y el Caribe | LILACS – Scientífic and technic information and evidence of Latin-american and Caribbean Countries

LILACS – Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde – Informação e evidência científica e técnica em saúde da América Latina e Caribe – BIREME/OPAS/OMS – LILACS – Información y evidencia científica y técnica en salud de América Latina y el Caribe | LILACS – Scientífic and technic information and evidence of Latin-american and Caribbean Countries Um bem público regional de informação científica Un bien público regional de información científica A regional public good on scientific information

How do I get my journal indexed on LILACS database?

Journal evaluation and selection process

To be indexed in LILACS, a journal should be selected as a LILACS journal by the LILACS Journal Evaluation and Selection Committee (LJSC) and deposit or link the full-text of the articles in BIREME systems.

The journal evaluation is decentralized and each country or the nursing area, as LILACS network coordinators, carry out the selection process with the LJSC, that decide about the indexing of the journals and criteria adapted to the local scientific development.


1) Check if the journal is already indexed in LILACS: List of journals indexed in LILACS

2) Perform the adequacy of the journal to LILACS criteria:;

3) If the diagnosis is positive, contact the LILACS coordinator to receive further information about the process

National or Thematic LILACS Coordinators

4) Prepare documentation:

  • 3 last issues published in electronic format (PDF);
  • Peer review form adopted by the journal;
  • Information about the journal.


LILACS database: health information from Latin America and the Caribbean countries

LILACS database: health information from Latin America and the Caribbean countries