LILACS – Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde – Informação e evidência científica e técnica em saúde da América Latina e Caribe – BIREME/OPAS/OMS – LILACS – Información y evidencia científica y técnica en salud de América Latina y el Caribe | LILACS – Scientífic and technic information and evidence of Latin-american and Caribbean Countries

LILACS – Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde – Informação e evidência científica e técnica em saúde da América Latina e Caribe – BIREME/OPAS/OMS – LILACS – Información y evidencia científica y técnica en salud de América Latina y el Caribe | LILACS – Scientífic and technic information and evidence of Latin-american and Caribbean Countries Um bem público regional de informação científica Un bien público regional de información científica A regional public good on scientific information

What is the LILACS database?

The LILACS database, which stands for Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences, is a specialized bibliographic index with scientific and technical production in Health Sciences published by institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a free-access database, without the need for a subscription, coordinated by BIREME/PAHO/WHO and maintained by a network […]

What is the difference between LILACS and the VHL Portal?

LILACS is the main and most comprehensive database specializing in scientific and technical health literature published in Latin American and Caribbean countries. The Regional Portal of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) is a portal that integrates over 50 databases available for research, so LILACS is one of the databases included in the Portal. Category: LILACS […]

What is the difference between the LILACS database and SciELO?

LILACS is a cooperative database of the BIREME System that comprises literature related to Health Sciences published in Latin American and Caribbean countries. SciELO is an electronic library that includes a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals. LILACS and the Latin American and Caribbean System of Information on Health Sciences (LILACS Network) are the methodology […]

Do I need to pay to search the LILACS database?

No, the LILACS d is free to access. Simply go to LILACS and search using the search box. Category: LILACS Database

Where can I access the LILACS database?

The LILACS database is freely accessible online through its official portal: Category: LILACS Database

How does the LILACS database work?

The operation of the LILACS database involves: LILACS Methodology: This includes a set of policies, systems, and workflows that ensure the consistency and quality of bibliographic records. This encompasses everything from data collection to thematic indexing and publication of literature in a search interface. LILACS Network: Health institutions in the region collaborate to collect, describe, and index […]

What are the LILACS thematic areas?

The LILACS thematic areas are fields of knowledge considered priorities for the health of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean and have had their collections developed prominently within the LILACS database. The coordinators of LILACS thematic areas are responsible for the leadership, development, and management of the collection and the collaborative network for […]

How to access documents indexed in LILACS?

Most of the documentation recorded in the LILACS database already has a link to the full text directly in the detailed record of the search interface. For older or printed documentation, you should contact the library indicated in the document’s location in the record. If the document you want to access is a journal article, contact us and request […]

Are all articles from a journal indexed in LILACS available in the database?

No. Only articles published after the journal has been accepted for indexing in the database are available. LILACS includes only articles that contain scientific and technical discussion. Editorials that merely present the journal’s content, news, and non-scientific content are not included. In the case of journals with selective indexing, only health-related articles are indexed. Category: […]

Is the full text link of all articles included in the LILACS database available?

No. Starting in 2013, it was established that all journals indexed in LILACS must provide free and open access to all articles included in the database. However, articles from journals indexed before 2013 may not have full-text links available. Category: LILACS Database